The Development of the Nervous system, with Chiropractic Applications for Children, Adolescents and Adults

The Development of the Nervous System, with Chiropractic Applications for Children, Adolescents and Adults
To have a significant neurological effect on our patients, an understanding of how the nervous system develops is primordial.
- Prenatal considerations
- How to calm an agitated baby
- What do the “Terrible two’s" have in common with adolescent difficulties
- The link between movement and academic success
- What predicts future happiness and success in children
- Mirror neurons and their clinical applications
- The best pediatric neurological tests to perform
- A red flag to consider at 6 months of age for the development of autism
- The most important primitive and postural reflexes
- Variations in primitive and postural reflexes in adolescents and adults
- The best exercises to affect neurological development based on the neurological exam
- Strategies for a variety of conditions (ADD/ADHD, tics, Tourette’s syndrome, emotional issues, torticollis, toe walking, etc.)
- And much more!